Tuesday, January 07, 2003

uUu aAa my shampoo smells SO good!
Hihhihik! I love my new shampoo!! Hihhihik! Really like the scent.. What shampoo am I using?
Guy : Yang, harini abang balek
Girl : Iye kee..
('Suami pulang' in her journal and she goes back home to shampoo her hair)
As the guy comes home,
Guy : Cantiik isteri abang.

Ahhahaha!! Anyways.. this should be a pretty long day for me. I'll have to do my Fundamental and Graphics.. and maybe if I get the time, I'll sort out my songs! Hihhihik.. Now.. since I am sleepy already.. maybe I should do something less streanous.. Sort out my list!!!

oOooO.. my head feels so light.. hihhihik!


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