Thursday, March 13, 2003

Mari gelak bersama-sama!!
Thanks Zaammm!! Finally got to see the first day of Pangkor.. HAHHAHA!! Waaay ridiculous!! It got me and Sheeya karaoke-ing!! AHHAHAH!! Agak memalukan.. AHHAHAH!! Such a fine night this is!! Got to listen to and see GREAT GREAT things!! AHHAHAH!!
Guitars are the coolest!! AHHAHA!! (waaay hyper, mind you!) And the First Day clip was neat!! Except for some bit after the karaoke of me and Sheeya.. AHHAHHA!! Agak gile bukan? Sebegini open sekali.. mengapakah?? Mungkin kerna tak terbendung perasaan yang ter tak sengaja sakit hati ini.. AHHAHAH!! Mengapakah diri ini sungguh keanak-anakkan sekali? Aduhaaai.. Agak sedikit badigol so'ot, yesh!

Jealousy stinks? Or is it just me?? AHHAHAHA!!!


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