Sunday, December 14, 2003

welcome back peeps!!!!

fun's over~!! Holiday's over!!
I have to say.. this has been the GREATEST, COOLEST, MOST UN-BORING HOLIDAY I'VE EVER HAD!! Nothing gets better than this.. LOVED IT!!! Big.. Huge.. Enormous thanks to
hahhahha!! She's great!! I hope she'll turn out great in 10 years time as well! ekkeke!! :x :x :x
Thank you Izzatiiiiiiiii~!!
hahahhaha!!! Later laa, later!! :))
Feels kinda good to be back again.. somehow... :)
Missing missing~!!!! :D
X( grRrRrR!! Tengah mode jealousy!!! Kak Mai's birthday is tomorrow.. and she was wishing for her boyfriend to surprise visit her.. And guess what?? HE DID!!!! grRrrrR! ekekke!! Happy for her though~! At least some people get to enjoy their birthday!! Mine was crappy 'coz I had to entertain myself all day long.. (*melayan perasaan!) BLUERGHHH~!! And I was angry at Dida laa.. amenda ntah laie.. ekkeke!!
*melayan perasaan 'coz I thought my so-called good friends forgot about my birthday.. BUT THEY DIDN'T!! Only Hanis did.. :( Where were you makcik?? How dare you to forget my birthdaaay aa?! :D You have some explaining to do young lady!! X(
To those who SMSed... THANK YOUUUUU!!! And to those who called... THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!
grrRrRrRR!! Geram sebab rase cam nak hug sumernye tapi takleh sumer.. ekekke! :p
Holiday was great!! Holiday was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!! The greatest among all my school holidays!!!
Get to catch up with Hanis... (met her at her house during her sister; Kak Huda's wedding!!) and Zul was there too. :D And met Hafiz.. who tricked me into going to an OMEGATREND meeting. HAHHAHA!! Terok betul! He introduced me to a friend of his, named Darnina~! ekekke! And it was neat, being able to talk to Arep after such a long while.. :D Jangan lupa bayar bil~! ekekke! Then.. I also managed to go out with Fiance, (and Ikram and Nazmi) who kept asking me things like, "Don't you have a new target now?" and kept telling me things like, "Go and find yourself a boyfriend.." RAI BENGONG!!! I'm trying la nie!! Tambah laie dengan tengok Kak Mai sat tadi.. Jeles betul!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!! :p Hope Ima gets her teddy bear! :D
Well, the holiday was GREAT!! It felt great!!
Humm.. Saw a Hindi movie in the afternoon 'coz there was nothing else to watch and it caused me and Dida some
heartache heartache heartache
It's called Kal Ho Na Ho; starred by Shahrukh Khan, Preity Zinta and Saif Ali Khan. (Know Your Hindustan Stars!) ekekke!! The storyline's pretty neat! ekekkek!! Mengentuh perasaan! ekkekeke!!!
Lovely lovely!!
Having pleasant thoughts and pleasant feelings right this moment... :D

Time And Time Again by Stretch Princess

Oh to love you, to love you not
It makes no difference it's all that I've got
And there's no reason for you to watch while I wait
For you to be perfect
perfectly late

Oh to have not, or to have
You swear on your life it's out of your hands
and there's no peace for the one you left here
oh you've perfectly no
you've no idea
that this never ends

and time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny how it never changes
I'm wrapped around your finger

Love's gentle but love's unkind
you're lost for words and I'm out of time
and there's no comfort that calls me to stay
when your perfect excuses are perfectly made
oh this never ends

And time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny how it never changes
I'm wrapped around your finger
Time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny but you'll never change
I'm wrapped around your finger

Oh to love you, to love you not
it makes no difference it's all that I've got
and there's no comfort that calls me to stay
Oh you're perfect

Time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny how it never changes
I'm wrapped around your finger

[ edited on 4:01 pm of December 15th 2003 ]


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