Saturday, January 31, 2004


it's late.
and i don't know why, but it seems that i'll be in a rough mood when it gets dark outside.
calling.. calling..

hummph.. merepek je ni.

just spent the whole day with the lovely hobbitses. terganggu sedikit dengan phone calls drogo and belladonna; asked for my IC number with the reason to sell me. merepek!
went to midvalley university (called it with that, considering the amount of time we've spent there!) and practically hung around. got there around 3:30, kuar pon kul 1:30 camtu.. waiting for the bus and taxi was excrutiating!! bosan betul! :( but anyways!! had lunch for 2 hours.. talking and yapping.. gossiping and mengumpat.. exchange infos and things.. rosie joined our pack; prisca, lily and myself, on something aboutthe future. funny.. tak pasal pasal rosie dah join!! but it's neat! hehhe! and then jalan jalan.. later end up in mph bookstore where we shared our money (sorang rm8.25) for a set of tarot cards!! hahha!! finally!! beli juga after so much of talking.. and then prisca and lily had their dinner (laksa!!) me and rosie weren't that hungry.. :D i wasn't as enthusiastic with LAKSA while rosie was waiting for jai to come by. :)
while they ate, i studied the tarot!! HAHAHHA!! :x predict predict.. missed charmed (darn!!) but at least i get to do some "crafts" of my own! hahahha!! jadi interpreter for the gurls.. :D kinda funny really.. prisca kept getting cards that relates her to self-belief.. i got cards for relationship, and lily with moneyy!! hahahha!!
oh!! congrats lily!!!!!!! she finally got the car!! weeeeee~!!
kamon my dear lesbo partner.. bawak i jalan jalan! HAHHAHAH!! :p (tau nak merayaaap aje! byebye duit~! hahhaha)
anyways!! then rosie met up with jai.. so me, lily and prisc went hanging at coffee bean, sampai 11:40! then terlari lari to the cinema 'coz we were catching runaway jury on 11:45! hahahha!! bole lak lost track of time.. (did more tarot reading there..) :))
runaway jury was neat! kire.. okay juge.. liked the shots! and the story was quite neat! but the part when the past unfolds, was quite fast.. had to listen and watch very carefully to that part. :D
then waited 'til almost three 'coz rosie and jai were catching last samurai. hehhe!
then went back mmu together.
prisca's staying in my room tonight.
that's all for the report.. i'm bored


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