Monday, February 23, 2004


just had a small trip to putrajaya with lily and prisca.
so thanks lily for saying yes even when you're already sleepy! heehee~
so hung out at mamak, had some laughs..
prisca showed us some soft porn.. HAHHAHAHAHA!! no lah~ joking.. *winks*
ate maggi goreng with iced milo.
itu saja.. and i have nothing else to say. except maybe...
i should stop saying that i should stop.. hehhe! 'coz you know.. i can't! my everything won't let me.. :| and i'm quite fine with that! :D so heyy, don't mind me when i say i need want you still, 'til the point i get too crazy! :D
should start on yago but i have been updating the friends' photos page instead...
and i'm sleepy!!



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