Tuesday, October 19, 2004


the start of a new week.
the end of weekends.
the end of lying around, asking people to get me anything.

just why i dislike monday than the rest of the days in the week.

and so it's tuesday. just tuesday..
spent the night with 3 guys just now!
watched bourne supremacy with dar, ablen and ablen's friend; hafiz. (is it?) ekkeke! i actually didn't catch his name. :P
heyy, kiut la janggut tu! :P
mengantuk laa already. while in the car i thought of some things i want to do in life;

1. walk through the Louvre
2. get onto a hot air balloon
3. get back my thumbdrive from dar!! (berikannya padakuuu~!)

heehee! there's more of course! but i haven't figured it out. :D
anyways, liking this simple song;
Don't I Hold You by Wheat

Don't I hold you like you want to be held?
And don't I treat you like you want?
And don't I love you like you want to be loved
And you're running away

And what's your name
Like I'm in the way

Don't I hold you like you want to be held?
Don't I please you like you want?
And don't I love you like you want to be loved
And you're running away

And what's your name
Like I'm in the way

We waste too much time

Don't I?
Don't I hold you like you want?

gudnite everyone~!

o yeah.. honesty is the best policy! :P
thanks friend for making me feel as comfortable as i possibly can with you. :) you know you wouldn't really have to wait for days to tell me that :P thanks. again! :D


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