Thursday, March 03, 2005

hey daniel!

i'd say you have a rather interesting taste in music, haven't you? it's a bit.. too british yeah? of course, i do notice that you are british yourself! hahha! when i said it's too british, i haven't decided yet if it's good or bad.
i still think it's interesting, so that is most probably isn't bad. i've taken a liking to this song too!

Week In Week Out by The Ordinary Boys

Is there something more?
Surely there must be.
You can't lose everything,
So you're quite happy,
To live with nothing more,
Than a life-long shopping list,
You tick it off on credit
Well you'll pay for it.

Week in and week out,
Your lucky charms
will always let you down,
Maybe next week
we'll see, maybe,
You stand in line completely still,
Feel truly unfulfilled,
Week in week out.

Where are you going to turn,
When all ambition fails?
Why try anymore,
If human nature's stale?
Invite the hand of God,
To touch the lucky few,
But there's no such thing as God,
Nor easy money too.

Week in and week out,
Your lucky charms
will always let you down,
Maybe next week
we'll see, maybe,
You stand in line completely still,
Feel truly unfulfilled,
Week in week out.

and for some reasons, i need to get to sleep more than ever right now.
HMS Pumpkin Pie sails on! hahhaha!


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