Friday, March 04, 2005

i'm immobile..

i definitely need july to come over quickly.
this passion for potter is getting rather out of hand. i've been spending my entire time here reading upon those little updates and those fanfics. it's horrible!
i wish i could get a sabbatical and lay around like a real bumm and do nothing so i wouldn't have this slight guilt for making a measly promise at the start of term. i know i've then said that i shouldn't make any promise to myself, but when i promised to get my grades up, it's really horrible to let myself down on that, isn't it?

i mean, it's OBVIOUSLY for my own good!
gaaaahhh!!! i wish i hadn't picked creative multimedia on the first place!! don't know what i was thinking. o yeah, i thought that i was destined to be here since i was in form four. don't know where i got that idea. horrible, really!
well, i know somewhere inside me believes that i do have a knack for design.. but right now there's something else thumping inside my brain, wanting out!
i honestly hate when times like this surfaces.

so here's a thought. do i look like capable of writing a good, brilliant story? hahhaha! somehow i'm afraid to know the answer.
i was thinking about doing something else after getting my degree, but being the sagittarius that i am, i'm rather certain that adding another year for studying already seem quite unappealing. plus, planning isn't exactly my strong point.

humm.. what i need really is one super rich funny husband who adores me undividingly and only wants to keep me in the house for himself and takes me out travelling around the globe once every few months! hahhahah!! now that's the one thing i'm sure i wouldn't have doubts after, rather than thinking if i've made the right choices that got me here, now.
1. money
2. a humourous guy who's idiotic enough to see me through
3. that same guy who doesn't mind me being stupid 'coz i'm SO lazy to go to class
4. not being stuck in one place all the time. (i know i'd LOVE europe!!!)

*sigh* i wish i'd GROW UP and stop wishing!!!!
off to sleep now!


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