Selangor won 3-0 over Perlis and I have to say that my hero that night was Jamsari Sabian, the goal-keeper! He was absolutely.. excellent! Okay, I know that Bambang Pamungkas was the one who scored all three goals, but I still think he's a lazy arse who just waits around until the football gets to his leg or head! Ooh~ my favourite people that night were definitely the goal-keeper, that bleach-haired dude in jersey #5 and Elie Aiboy. My least liked.. Yusri Che'lah for being a sissy and dived too much. (Even though he was once a Selangor player.. the traitor!)
Oh right, a BIG shout out to all Selangor fans who were stuck in the jam before getting to the stadium. It was crazy! We went out from Shah Alam at 5:30 and only settled in a seat at 7:45 pm! Moronic traffic polices, that's what they were. A huge waste of the government's money. Good thing I loved football too much to ruin my night by harrassing those morons instead.
Alright, I'm stopping the name calling now.
Nothing beats the feeling of shouting and screaming your head off at the stadium. You definitely can't get that at the "comfort" of your own home, in front of the telly. Too bad for Nina who still have two little kiddies to look after. She longingly wished that she was there when we told her about the things that happened at the stadium.
Like this one time when the match has ended and we were walking towards our car, a guy said to his friend, "Selangor was excellent! Even Man U had never won 3 cups in one season!" *lol* Strangers are so funny when they're happy. heehee.
Thank you thank you to Dida for getting me the ticket and Papa for tolerating the drive to and fro the stadium! Can't find any better football-buddies.
To Arep (*if you had actually found this site but lied when I asked), did you really went??
*he said that I'd surely write about "a subject we were talking about then" in my blog, then I fumbled and asked if he'd found my blog, and he said no.. it's just that knowing me, he expects me to have a blog. Very.. suspicious, yeah? But I don't think I'd mind much if he really do have this url. Shameless, I am.
Humm.. that fella, is really... something.
Honestly, the longest I've had a crush was from Standard 6 to the mid of Form 2. Err.. okay, that WAS long but I can't help it! Those were the stupid days, and I had only liked him for his looks. The more I heard of him the more nauseous I get. heehee!
Muz said something to me the other day. She asked, "Doesn't it make you feel something?" She reckons that people waited on me because they seem to think that I am worth the wait.
Well, that was my first respond. I'm boring, selfish, ignorant, curse a lot, and the fact that I smile a lot is just because I'm dotty most of the time - so why the heck would anyone would prefer wasting their time on me? And then Muz just looked at me with her semi-serious smile, so I had to stop rambling and give her words a thought.
Which.. I can't remember ever thinking of it that way. I guess I never thought myself as "important" to anyone.
And that's where my other thought came in. Possibly.. just probably, I think that way because I am the last child in the family. Don't know about the last child-s out there, but I always feel like I have to announce my presence to people. Suppose I have two brilliant sisters to measure up with, so I don't expect people to notice me when I'm not trying to be noticed. (Like the way I think, you say? kikkiki!) It's like people laughing at what you say when you're not even trying to be funny.
So the last time I tried to impress Arep was June of 2000, and here we are coming to the end of 2005. AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Sorry I laughed, just remembered how long it has been.) And the last time I tried to impress any guy was... eh.. err... last November? Oh, no.. just last month. But it was only a harmless flirt to make sure that I still know how when I really need to.
Since then, I am sober. ekekekke!!
Eh, I think I ought to stop babbling now. It's raining and my mom wouldn't stop nagging on me if she sees me still on the computer.
Good night, good world and dear God, please take care of my soul mate (hopefully Danny! ahhahha!) out there.. tell him to find me the exact moment when I'm ready. hihi! Oh! Plus, I need to ask You.. when are You sending my sister's?? I hate to see her with all the money in the world but no man to spend it on. hehehe. And err, I hope it's not too much but please take care of the people I love most, they're the best and I'm too lazy to find new friends. hihi!
This was written at 5:27 am on October 3rd, 2005.
edited on 4:59 PM, June 25th 2007.
[Like this one time when the match has ended and we were walking towards our car, a guy said to his friend, "Selangor was excellent! Even Man U had never won 3 cups in one season!"]
I did some studying.. Manchester United did won a Treble in the 1998/99 season. They won the Premiership, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League in the same season and just like Selangor.. they are the only team who has ever done the Treble win.
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