Wednesday, December 27, 2006

F*** Feelings?

I had a bad day today.
I spent 20 minutes of my train ride, writing heated words in my book so I could type it out once I got home. But then the internet was near to non-existant.
Thus giving me a LOT of time to mull things over.

And that brought me to the fact that 2006 is quickly to be replaced by 2007. (somehow!)
So here's a post mortem of my 2006 resolution. (hahh!)

1. If I found a grumpy yet endearing and handsome man like House, or a funny lad who laughs a lot like Danny, or someone typical looking yet charming like Mark Ruffalo, I promise I'd snag him up!
-- sigh. The man does not exist. 4 days left of the year but I doubt I'll get to meet him by then.

2. Stop picking my work and just get on with it a little faster than my usual comfortable pace.
-- hahha! Of course, when I wrote this I was referring to my job in Kinokuniya. Not too sure if I did any much change in my work ethics until my last day.. heehee.

3. Finally decide what I should do - study wise.
-- I think I have. I don't think I'll be enrolling myself to any school this time. Financially it wouldn't be wise as the only course I'd be interested in is not offered in any school in the country! (Well, that might be a nicer excuse than just saying "I'm too cool for school.")

4. Have a thousand in my account, entirely my money
-- Ohh, close! I did have RM700 at some point this year. But currently, I have a healthy RM11 to keep that account "active".

5. Write 300 pages of words.. by the end of the year.
-- errr.. I only managed to write on 56 pages of Moleskine.. OMG!! I am so behind my schedule!!

6. And you can't have a resolution without one that is deemed to be doomed; eat healthier, be nicer to people and not get too grumpy when I get disappointed.
-- Ohh, I know myself too well now. I definitely failed this one!

Okay! I have four more days to think of next year's resolutions. I have a couple of ideas so far. heehee.
Might.. oh fine, I will update the fotopages later tonight. (If the internet allows me, of course!)
ps: Sorry, I've tried uploading my photos twice but it kept showing me "the page cannot be displayed" crap.


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