Saturday, October 27, 2007

The gambler and the risk-taker.

You know how the mysterious "they" say that life isn't worth living without risks..
I was wondering if I am risking any part of my life. Maybe I am, except that like an immature fool; I am more of a gambler than somebody who takes calculated risks.

I know I'm awful, guys.. I hope that you're not keeping tabs and making a list of those bad qualities.

Things are unravelling aplenty in the past few days. I can't quite decide if that's a good thing yet.
I need a life with meaning. I WANT a life with meaning.
(I think "want" is higher than "need". You can need something and yet hate it, but to want -- is a choice.)

Anyway, I've been woozy these past couple of days and I can't seem to point to where this entry is heading. So I'll just stop now and spare your time so you could do something else actually worth while.
Have a great weekend!


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