The family (me, Dida, and the Parents) travelled to Perak on the first Raya to visit Mama's side of the family. We just went to two houses really. hahaha! (My mom's cousin in Tapah Road and her sister in Sitiawan) Unfortunately I am not too familiar with that side of the family so it felt pretty weird to take a bunch of pictures with them.. so I didn't -- at all. huhuuu.

We went back to Bukit Kapar (that's in Klang) on the second Raya. The entire family -- of my father's side(the ones who were available at least) got together for a family photo which I've uploaded to Facebook. hehe.
Remember last year when we did light trails with sparklers..?
yah.. well.. we did it again this year. hahahhaha!

Probably because I'm too tired to think now after two days of travelling around. bah!
'Til later. ♥
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