Thursday, April 16, 2009

One whole year!!

All twelve months.
That's 52 weeks.
We got through 365 days!
We've orbitted the sun, hunny..

My sister and I always talked about how lucky we are to have the love of our family -- constant and unconditional. Not everyone is as lucky as we are; to have the support of our parents, siblings that we can talk to.. but to have someone else besides our family to love us is a whole different feeling.
To have somebody who does not have to love you, love you.. I am forever grateful.

I used to think that love is when you devote your life completely to someone else. In a way, living for another person. But that's not what love really is. I feel like I used to lead a mediocre life -- for I did not know what living really is.
Unfortunately I am not exactly living a full life right now but I know what I must do to achieve that, and it all started on the day that I fell in love.

So thank you.. for being the man that you are. For being the man that I could fall in love with. For being the rock that I could hold on to. For giving me the reason to live. For nudging me to be the better person that I needed to be. For looking after me. For showing me what happiness is. For loving me.

I am not going to live for anyone.
I am living for myself.. and half of me is you.

-- quote by Eva Gabor


lizzy j said...


syl said...


Monkey's Bunny said...


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