Saturday, March 26, 2016

Oops! I did it again.

I was feeling all proud and mighty for the most part of this month.
I pretty much didn't shop at all! Hahahahha! There are a few bits and bobs around here and there but nothing major to the point where I need to jot it down anywhere.

Sure I bought a few packs of strawberries and Kit Kats in multiple flavours while I was in Narita, but they're not all for me. Got a pair of pants and a top at GU while I was there but that was ¥3800, so nothing major.

Then few days ago LaSenza sent a text...
BUY 2 BRAS, Get 3 FREE @ all La Senza stores from 24 till 27 Mar.

I caved, naturally. It sounded like a good damn deal!
One problem.
Whenever I go into their store, I always get tempted by their lounge wear..
So today, while Hubs stepped out of the store, I chucked a set of pajamas at the till and boom! Made my entire purchase -- something MAJOR. (Uhh.. I should also mention that I stocked up on panties while I was there. Bahhahahaha!!)

So I told Hubs that I should be good in the undies department for the rest of the year. Kinda also told him that he should stop me if I start talking about buying undies in the future.. But I didn't tell him the exact amount I paid today, because.. well, husbands don't have to know about EVERYTHING, do they? Hahahaha!

Anyway, looking forward to payday so my credit card bill wouldn't look too scary.

Thoughts by The Uninspired. © 2014

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