Thursday, December 23, 2004

thank you.

you just remind me why i preferred being "invisible" on the first place.

haven't done my studying!!! i just found out how much i actually should read.
anyways, i think the 'couple of days' is over and today i can start sharing my thoughts again!


err. let's take a raincheck on that.
anyways, i haven't said anything about my birthday, have i?
it was a fun-ny one. someone actually "gave" me a confession that day and it still makes me laugh when i think about it. thanks loads to rai who called. heehee. really really appreciate it. only then i realize how much i miss talking to that peeve.
thanks to everyone who remembered.

speaking of birthday, today is my teddi bear's! ekekke!
hey you, do you know that the bear already had sort of a name before you gave it to me? the tag said 'Spencer'. heehee. teddi bear is 2 years old today.


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