Barely four hours of sleep - wake up at 9 - hardly 30 minutes of nap in 39 hours.. and
multiple auto-shutdowns.
That was -- my crazy weekend.

The day started alright. The weather was nice as Dida and I was driving through Putrajaya to get Kak Kole and Kak Freddy. It took us barely an hour to arrive at Port Dickson. We set up the tent, took out all the stuff we've brought.. the cooler.. and Dida LEFT! Yeah, she left me with Kak Kole and Kak Freddy because she got a late invitation to watch the
Malaysia Cup finals at the stadium. (hahha!! Perak lost! But damn, Kedah won the treble!!)
Naturally, I took out my UNO deck and started shuffling. hahhaha! I believe UNO
brings people closer! Seriously. I'm starting to consider of bringing that deck
EVERYWHERE I go here! heehee.

Around 6, Kak Freddy suggested that we'd bring her rubber air mattress out to the water and test it out. So we changed into our swimming
suits and carried that silly little thing to the ocean. Kak Kole was the first to jump onto the mattress and it was HILARIOUS that Kak Freddy and myself was laughing
SO HARD! Then I jumped on. Kak Freddy didn't want to get on at first but Kak Kole and I persuaded her so she did! It was.. just
histerical. We were laughing and giggling like manic school children.
We floated around.. Paddled about.. It was funny. There was one particular moment when we got a little to the middle that reminded me of
P.S I Love You. Wish I had a waterproof camera right then but I figured, maybe taking pictures with your head isn't too bad. heh!
As the sky turned dark, we returned to our
camp and started to light the fire. It took a while but it was greatly satisfying when we got the coals to light up. Really cool! We ate and then just.. hung around. Doing nothing much. It was too dark to play UNO anyway! ahahahahha!!
Except for the part where we had to move the tent because our
neighbours were unfortunately a bunch of inconsiderate, loud, annoying, moronic little assholes. The worst part, among these little a-holes, one of them was called "Wani"!! (Notice that I dropped the "e"? I'm irked enough to share the same name, I pray that her's wasn't spelled the same way too.)
By twelve, my soul source of amusement was watching Kak Kole in
tingtong mode and being the
serial pisser that she was. hahhaha! (Also, having Ilsa to update me with the
England vs. Israel scores!! Way cool!! -- England won!!
My baby didn't play but WE WON!!) Kak Freddy fell asleep for a bit until Dida came back around 2 a.m bearing KFC!!
So we all just sat around and ate as Kak Freddy and Kak Kole complained about the a-holes we'd encountered throughout the day to Dida.
I think it was four-ish when Kak Kole and Kak Freddy went to sleep in the tent as Dida and I laid on the matress outside the tent just staring at the sky and talked. Dida got sleepy around five though so I was left with the mp3s and sudoku in my phone for two hours.

It was seven-ish when the rest of my party woke up (well, I woke them up!) and started packing. We wanted to have a bit of swim and honestly, the seabed of the beach where we camped at was revolting! (Yeah, we saw the icky stuff we stepped on when the sea level decreases during the night.) So Dida drove us to the place where we usually go with Nina and the kiddies.
It was fun! Could've been
more fun if we found an air pump to inflate the air bed since the one we had wouldn't work anymore.

It was half past eleven when we made our way back to Putrajaya. Kak Freddy invited us to the little get together at her parents' home. We spent an extra hour on the road when we somehow missed the exit somewhere but it was worth it. The food was good! hahhahaha!
Dida was driving around with a towel on her head, by the way.

Ohh! At Kak Freddy's house, we hogged her brother's computer for a bit and I found out that my blog's layout wasn't
right!! It bugs me how the background repeats itself on the LG Flatron Wide screen with 1280 x 960 resolution! It blows!! For your info, my blog looks best with
1024 x 768 resolution, okaaay?
But you must know that one of these days I shall tweak the background so it'll look alright for visitors with bigger resolutions. arghh! Why do I have to be so anal?! God!

Afterwards we headed to KL and hung out at Kak Freddy's house. That's where I got a little shut eye. So did Dida. We left at almost seven and by then the weather was getting bad. (So was the traffic!)
This was about when I kept falling asleep. It was slightly horrifying, not remembering shutting your eyes and suddenly open up to heavy rains or an unrecognizable road. sheesh! Obviously, 32 hours was too much with only four hours of sleep two nights before.

Now, that was NOT shaky hands! It was plainly.. the awful weather!We picked up Mama at home and had dinner at Windmill in Subang Jaya where I -- unfortunately (yet naturally) had to fill the comment card with sarcasm.

Then we all went home to Shah Alam where the sky was in a freakish shade of colour.

Now that was a long entry, wasn't it?
That should keep you guys preoccupied and
off my back for a couple of days, right? heeheehee. I'm sorry if the entry is a little draggy and yet simplified in some parts. It's already 4 a.m and I'm supposed to meet up my friends in the afternoon -- I'm still tired from the weekend!
In truth, my weekend wasn't all exciting and "perfect".. but why dwell in the bad, right?