Friday, August 07, 2009

He calls me Bunny.

And he brought me Honey.
And it's just funny.
Since all these rhymes with Wanie!

I'm in a giddy mood tonight.
As I've mentioned in the last entry, I have FIVE freakin' off days on the first week of August. So I'm back in Shah Alam. Spending my last day and a half of those 5 days. Then I'll be working for 3 days straight (one of it is a split duty -- which is hardly "work", honestly) then an off day and followed by a night stop in Jakarta.
God, I ADORE my job!!!
(Mostly because I haven't got anything to bitch about, really. hahahha!)

Nothing much to tell. I should head to bed and get some more rest while I can get it. So.. goodnight, world!

Oh! 18 days and counting.. hahahaha!


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