GC last night was awesome!! The opening acts; One Buck Short, Estranged and Lo were also nice but Good Charlotte was awesome!!

Okay, the show started unsurprisingly LATE. It started to get annoying after the MTV Ninja-Condom advertisement was played the second time. Also GC's Keep Your Hands Off My Girl video clip. I mean, come on! We all were hankering for the real band anyway! So it was annoying that One Buck Short performed like 4 songs, Estranged with 3 and Lo with 5 songs! So anyway.. after the long wait, with all the boring.. repeated MTV and Digi ads on the two huge screens, and VJs Colby, Denise, Utt and Fazura throwing freebies like pussies.. out came GC with Good Morning Revival! (It was about 10:20 PM)

They performed 15 songs straight out! --not counting the first one since that's really just an intro. And I admit, that I don't think I've ever heard the 3rd song they played! eeek! I feel bad! Thus, I have no idea what's the title.
Songs they performed - that I definitely know; Misery, Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous, Keep Your Hands Off My Girl, Boys and Girls, Predictable, Festival, Hold On, We Believe, Dance Floor Anthem, The River, I Just Wanna Live, All Black, March On, and they awesomely ended the show with The Anthem.
Dida didn't knew a lot of GC's song but she thought they had chosen good songs for the playlist. Cik Alia, Dida, my couzie Sarah and I jumped around a lot to those songs. Just awesome..

Joel was a tad gedik last night. He spoke about how he loved Malaysia and that he wanted to stay here. But he'll need a place to stay (cheer!), a green card; so he'll need to marry someone (screeaaam!!), have friends to hang out with (cheer!) and some lots of other things including a few guys to replace the rest of GC, a twin brother and also a hot teacher who could teach him Malay language. hahha! Ohh!! He had also wanted to make loads of Malaysian babies. ahahahha!!!
I thought him and Benji were amusing last night. Also, sounded awesome!!!!
(I'm using too much 'awesome' aren't I?)
Oh, Billy and Paul were great too! More to Billy 'cause he just deserves it. heehee.
For future references, Joel did try saying a bit of Malay; "Apa khabar" and "Terima kasih".. typical! (But hey, it's the thought that counts! heeheee!)

Good Charlotte - Dance Floor Anthem

So, like everything else in life.. good things come to an end. After all the fun I had at the concert, I came home to find... stuff which I would rather not share in here since it'll only trigger my inner-sailor. (read: "cursing like a sailor")
So I'm changing the subject to my old layout;
Two years have passed and I think this is quite a good time to revise/update it.
2. RND '05 shirt -- well, it was sold out even then.. so no, I didn't get that one.
3. HBP -- hahha! Obviously this list is OLD.
4. Nikon Coolpix 7900 -- hmm.. I haven't felt the need to have a digital camera at the moment, so I don't mind not getting this.
5. boots -- O YEAH!
6. new pair of Converse -- well, I got the pair of Converse but it's no longer new now. Wouldn't mind getting a new NEW pair right now.
7. glasses -- hahha! Just got that a few weeks ago!
8. jeans -- YES!
9. PS, I Love You, Can You Keep A Secret?, Tuesdays With Morrie, Deception Point -- CHECK, read it, CHECK, CHECK!
10. 3 days in Paris -- hahhahahha! YES!!
11. 5 days in Japan -- humm.. no, haven't got the chance. Not feeling so strongly about it right now.
12. a week in UK -- YESS!!
13. see Lifehouse/Good Charlotte live -- Good Charlotte!! woohooooo!!
14. hug Danny Jones -- there's still time...
15. drive -- heeheeheee. Soon?
16. RM500 shopping spree -- one day, surely.
17. see 2006 Malaysian GP -- missed it since I was in Rotterdam. Also missed 2007 GP because I wasn't meant to see it.
Aaah~ I'm still thinking about the concert last night. Feels surreal to have been able to catch them live. I am naturally lucky.. but that was.. That was just AMAZING.
edited on 2:06 AM, May 3rd 2007.
personal note: uZap King.
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