We were from Shah Alam at around quarter past twelve. Bought tickets for the 3:20 show of Sunshine, starring Cillian Murphy, Chris Evans and Michelle Yeoh.
We got to have lunch (where I squashed a small roach) and window shopped a bit as we waited for the showtime.

Just as we were about to enter the cinema, we were stopped by these people who were doing some surveys about the upcoming Holland Film Festival. We spent a few minutes there, answering the questions on the form about Holland-related stuff; ie. Do you know any company or brands from Holland?
Anyway, we ended up missing the entire upcoming-movie trailers at the beginning of the movie -- which obviously, to me.. SUCKED! Now I better win some movie tickets from spending that much time on my answer sheet!
Now.. the movie itself was interesting. I kinda liked it. I find the concept and some of it's editing/effects were new. And the way the sound effects were.. oddly amusing. I just liked how it goes.. Refreshing.
The storyline itself wasn't as simple as you might think. It's a bit suspense in some parts and you might leave the cinema with some questions in your head but that's the way I like it. I like leaving the cinema.. thinking. Be it a lame question.
By the way, you won't ever read me doing a summary in this blog. You can easily go to IMDB.com for that.
Earlier today I watched Rock Star (downloaded!) starring Mark Wahlberg, Jennifer Aniston and Timothy Olyphant (yes, Fritz.) Well, Dida seemed to like it when she saw the film while she was in Nederland but it's not my cup of tea. The rock songs.. yeech! I didn't like it as much as she did.
But there were some comedic scenes in some parts which I can't help but laugh out loud. Loved the part when the two tribute bands had the fight in the carpark.
Anyway, I'm boring myself will all these movie talk.
I should get some sleep. I went to bed at 8 and woke up around 11 this morning. (Just so I could catch Sunshine with Alia! hahhaha!)
Have a good week, everyone.
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