Thursday, March 31, 2005

things i gotta stop:

1. cursing
2. fool/play around too much; and not study
3. read too many story books; and not the ones i'm supposed to study
4. paining myself thinking, who's going to die in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
5. download too many McFLY when i'm left with only 4gig of hard disc
6. let danny get into my dreams too much at night *lol!*
7. entertain myself too much when i'm alone ('coz i'd smile foolishly and it might look scary to other people!)
8. put myself down more than i healthily should.
9. sing when i have my headphone on. hahha!!
10. envious of british people when i ought to be a proud- and thankful malaysian!!
11. wanting to learn guitar playing just because everyone else is good at it.
12. thoughts of "what if" i was in a different major than the one i'm in now.
'coz i was thinking just now if i was in psychology, i'd probably propose the title "Boredom is a Mental Disease" for my thesis. i mean, what's with the idea of "needing" something to always happen and excite you? honestly!
i know i should ace that paper 'coz talking about myself could probably be the thing i'm best at. hehe!

13. blogging. CONSTANT blogging even when i have nothing smart to say!


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