Saturday, December 03, 2005

For some odd reasons..

and I don't know why;

- I feel like a day of my life is missing. I spent the whole yesterday thinking that it was Thursday until my father asked if I knew Dida's plans for the weekends. He told me that the day was Friday and I can't help but gape in wonder.

- I am sooo bothered by House's episode titles for the last five of the second season. Bothered. Verrry bothered. Those episodes are called: Need To Know, Happiness, Skin Deep, Heartless, and Clueless. Is it only me, but they sounds very melancholic and.. oh, I don't know.. A possibility that there'll be more character development - and probably sad ones?

- I searched for some spoilers on Lost. Well, it's not exactly odd that I went off finding it, but I'm not as obsessed about it as I am with House. Aaanyway, it's all because of one o'those small cuts on AXN! They've hinted on the next person who got killed on the island. *sigh* Yeah, now I know who gets the 'X' - in the second season. (TV haven't started on the second season yet, over here.)

- Tom dyed his hair dark (brown, likely.) bluergthhh! Well, not THAT awful but I'm just so used to him being blonde. *sigh* Their new single out on this 12th December. The video was creepily neat! I liked it.
why o why??


And to my dear non-evil twin, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
May the age finally match your level of maturity this time 'round! heehee.


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