Tuesday, June 26, 2007

True to my words..

This blog's name has been Thoughts by The Uninspired for how long, I don't remember.
So here's how Uninspired I am right now;

I am glad that I've got the songs I've been looking for since last year. Elefant's version of Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want (originally by The Smiths) that I first heard on Sky High. This is such a simple song but it means a lot to me. I once knew how to play it on my guitar actually. The other song is Jadon Lavik's Let It Go which I first heard on the movie Perfect Man. hehhe! Again, I like it for the lyrics; like all songs that mattered anyway.

Today is Tuesday.

Aaand.. that is it!
I have nothing more running around my thoughts, it's almost amazing.
Just almost.


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