Thursday, October 31, 2002

AHHAHAHA!! Ana has gone crazy!! Heeellllpppp!!
Huwaaaaaaaa!! My chest aches.. Ana have been making stupid stupid jokes with her MSN status.. Really can't stand it!! AHAHHAHA~! Laughed so hard just now.. can't remember when was the last time I laughed as hard as just now.. Ouch!! Semput.. semput.. ANA MERBAHAYE!!
Yeayy~! So relieved that I've submitted my Graphics assignment just now.. Though.. me and Ana spent some minutes outside this one room (which I thought was my tutor's room.. but it wasn't!!) Good thing we just kinda hung around a bit and this girl from my same tutorial passed by. Hihhihi!! Good thing I didn't just slid my CD in between the first door! ^_^ AHHAHAH!! Silly daayyy..
Just slept for three measly hours. Huuu.. Kept changing from doing my Fundamental to doing my Graphics. Though, I have to say that I'm pretty proud of how it turned out! I mean.. my drawings and coloring for Fundamental last night (and this morning) was not bad at all.. and the poster for my graphics was pretty neat! Hihhhi.. I laughed at it everytime I see it. It's called.. The Lord Of The Drink : The Fellowship Of The Coke Hihihik~! I'll put it up on my site along with my friends' works by the end of this trimester.. (hopefully!)
Hihhhihi.. stupid enough.. I didn't really dedicate my whole time on my assignments.. Hihhi.. 'Coz I spent some time browsing around for some information on John Mayer. I have to say.. that I'm quite surprised with him! I mean.. he's just 24!! He sounded older than that! Anyways.. I'm like.. into him these days.. And it all started since I heard him on the radio with No Such Thing. Gosh! Guitars is just cool!!!!! Eh.. kewll!!! Hihhihik! And further more.. Last night.. I found a site with all his guitar tabs!! Waaaah~!!! Hihhihik.. Kewl indeed! So excited about John Mayer these days.. My my.. Wanie.. get a grip!!!!

Cepatla abes download sumer lagu nihh! Tak saba nak dengaaaa!!


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